An Essential Tool For Better Health Toxic mineral levels in the environment are rising and nutritional deficiencies are widespread due to the typical western diet. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) can provide important insights into nutritional approaches, supplementation requirements and can help predict time periods for nutritional supplementation.
What is Hair Analysis? Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is an analytical test that measures the mineral content of the hair. Interpreted correctly, hair analysis may provide indications of mineral imbalances, deficiencies, and excesses of many essential and toxic elements.
What Minerals are Tested For? HTMA measures most of the significant nutrient minerals including; calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, iron, selenium, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, cobalt and boron. The HTMA detects toxic minerals (toxic metals) including; lead, mercury, aluminium, uranium, arsenic, antimony and cadmium. The test indicates if the minerals are low, normal or high, but more importantly, it indicates whether they are in balance. When read by a trained professional HTMA can show mineral disruption caused by toxic minerals.
Why Use Hair? Hair is an ideal tissue for sampling and testing — it can be cut easily and painlessly and can be sent to the lab without special handling requirements. Investigators in Japan, Germany, Sweden, Canada and the United States have shown that concentrations of elements in the hair provide an accurate and permanent record of exposure. Hair is used as the tissue of choice by the US Environmental Protection Agency in determining toxicity levels.
Why Not Use Blood? Blood analysis is useful for determining porphyrin levels related to specific toxic minerals in cases of recent exposure. After 48-72 hours of acute exposure to a toxic mineral there will be a very low to nil level found in the blood, this is due to the body storing toxic minerals in the tissues. Blood is not useful to determine body levels of essential trace elements. This is because blood is a transport medium that moves nutrients to specific locations around the body, therefore the levels of nutrients found in the blood frequently change. In the presence of a deficiency, the body will rob essential minerals from storage sites therefore a blood test may show a result that's within the normal range but the actual tissue level may be a lot lower. This is why changes in your mineral levels show up in your blood last. Hair analysis on the other hand reveals the current intercellular levels, this is important as it is inside the cells where most of the biochemistry takes place.
How is the Hair Sample Collected? Sample of hair (up to 5cm long) are cut close to the scalp from the occipital region of the head. Ceramic or good quality stainless steel scissors are recommended to avoid contamination of the hair.
How do we interpret the results? The results from the hair analysis need to be interpreted along with other test results, patient history, and other relevant information. I work with specially trained Naturopaths in NZ who write up a specialised report for the client to include mineral discussion, diet advice, supplement recommendations, and a mineral balancing and toxic metal detoxification protocol.
Toxic Metal Detoxification A 3-step process which is an effective, safe and natural way of detoxing the body from toxic metals specifically tailored for the individual.
Mineral balancing and preparation for toxic metal detoxification
Digestive repair
Toxic metal detoxification
We use all natural products alongside Bicom Therapy to avoid side effects that are common with synthetic, chemical chelators. These products are proven to work effectively at eliminating all metals including Aluminium, Antimony, Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Thallium and Uranium without removing the good, essential minerals from the body.