EMF (electromagnetic field) is basically the radiation generated when you pass an electrical current through a wire or through any electrical device. Each and every day, your body is exposed to a tremendous amount of electromagnetic fields (EMF) through cell phones, satellites, wi-fi, radio stations, hair dryers, microwaves, music players, computers, power grids, gaming consoles, and body worn electronics. These are all sources of EMF and over time, we are exposed to a vast amount of these signals, possibly over 100 million times more radiation than our grandparents were. Wow!
I always create a visual of a piece of string attached from every single electronic device on our planet reaching outward and upward towards the sky - can you imagine walking through this? It would be like trying to cut a path through a dense African jungle!
So what’s the issue? In a word: CHAOS. The human body is an energetic system designed to exist in a state of balance. Chaotic patterns of energy (EMF) can and do interact with our system and destabilise it. How much your body is destabilized depends on the amount of EMF being generated, your proximity to the source/s, and your individual sensitivity and/or state of health.
Your system reacts to this with an immune response which drains your energy and your body experiences stress. Stress, as we now know, is the root of most dis-ease.
Depending on your body’s make-up and susceptibility, your own genetic weakest link will be what breaks eventually with a resulting health condition.
Fortunately there are plenty of warning symptoms, which are generally universal and, with awareness, should serve as red flags for you to do something right away.
Some issues specifically related to EMF exposure: (extensive use of cellphones and computers or living/working in the vicinity of cellphone tower antennas): from Rees/Havas 2009
- Sleep disorders, weakness, fatigue - Headache, dizziness - Feeling of discomfort - Difficulty in concentration - Depression, - Memory loss - Visual disruptions - Irritability - Hearing disruption - Skin problems - Cardiovascular - Loss of appetite - Nausea - Attention deficit - Electro-hypersensitivities - Neurological diseases, such as MS - Parkinson (not yet conclusive) - Autism (not yet conclusive) - Immune system disorders - Slow wound healing and chronic unwellness - Leukemia in children and grown-ups - Skin melanoma, - bladder and other cancers
Another, well researched way in which EMF interacts with our bodies is through the pineal gland and melatonin reduction. Melatonin is responsible for regulating our sleep, for bodily repair functions, and preventing cancer. EMF exposure confuses the pineal gland and ensure that little melatonin is produced. Insomnia is an early symptom. Cancer and other serious conditions are possible results of interrupting this bodily repair cycle.
Here is a list of conditions associated with poor levels of melatonin: • Insomnia • Inability to deal with fevers • Increased risk of heart disease and arteriosclerosis • Increased cholesterol • Increased blood pressure and the possibility of developing blood clots • Increased risk of strokes • Miscarriages • Reduced T cells which attack cancer and virus cells.
While the full effects of long-term, extensive exposure are unknown, many researchers are still urging people to protect themselves from electro-smog by using EMF protection devices such as EMF jewelry or Mobile phone EMF protectors. As a result, you may feel more energised, focused, or a greater sense of well-being.
By using EMF protection devices you can help activate your body’s natural defenses against EMF exposure, thus reducing the possible effects. Some report that excessive EMF exposure can lead to headaches, eye strain, fatigue, nausea, or overall lack of energy.
Treating and remediating EMF
We are able to test whether your body is affected by Radiation or Geopathic Stress and treat these blockages using specific Bioresonance programs.
We stock a number of protective and harmonising products that may assist - just ask.